joint pain during period

Joint Pain During Menstrual Periods

Do you often experience joint pain during menstrual periods? It can be an excruciating occurrence for women due to hormonal fluctuations. Before and during menstruation, there's a decrease in estrogen levels due to hormonal fluctuations, which can trigger your body's inflammatory response. As a result, inflammation can lead to joint pain or discomfort.

The commonality of joint pain during menstrual periods may vary from person to person. Some women may not experience occasional joint discomfort, while some frequently do. The occurrence will always vary depending on existing conditions and hormonal fluctuations.

Suppose you're looking for answers on the correlation of joint pain with menstruation. In that case, this article provides the causes, scientific findings, and treatment of joint pain to ease hormonal pain during the menstrual cycle.

Understanding the Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle, a complex process in a woman's body, consists of four distinct phases: Menstruation, Follicular, Ovulation, and Luteal. Menstruation, often referred to as a woman's period, marks the beginning of the cycle. During this phase, the endometrium, or the inner lining of the uterus, sheds. This results in the expulsion of blood and tissues through the vagina.

Following menstruation is the Follicular phase. This phase begins on the first day of menstruation and continues until Ovulation. It's characterized by the pituitary gland's release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates the ovaries to develop a group of follicles. Each follicle contains an oocyte, or an immature egg. As the follicles grow, they produce estrogen, but only a few reach full maturity. Estrogen plays a crucial role during this phase by stimulating the thickening of the uterine lining, preparing the body for a potential pregnancy.

Ovulation marks the midpoint of the menstrual cycle and is the third phase. It occurs when a surge in luteinizing hormone, stimulated by rising estrogen levels, triggers the release of the egg into the fallopian tube as the mature follicle ruptures.

The final phase, the Luteal phase, begins after Ovulation. The ruptured follicle transforms into the corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone. This hormone is essential for preparing the uterine lining for a potential fertilized egg implantation. If fertilization does not occur, menstruation is triggered as progesterone levels drop due to the breakdown of the corpus luteum. However, if pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone during the early stages of pregnancy.

Where Does Joint Pain Come Into Play?

Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle and menopause, particularly those involving estrogen, can lead to joint pain. Estrogen, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, can cause increased inflammation and joint pain or stiffness when its levels fluctuate.

During menopause or the menstrual cycle, decreased estrogen levels can also affect connective tissues, increasing the likelihood of joint degeneration. Additionally, hormonal changes can impact the production of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that aids in joint lubrication and cushioning, potentially leading to reduced joint lubrication and pain.

Several studies have investigated the relationship between the menstrual cycle and joint pain. A 2021 study by the National Library of Medicine examined the impact of menstrual cycle phases and extended cycle length on injury incidence among international footballers.

The findings revealed that the incidence of ligament and joint injuries was approximately double during the luteal phase compared to the follicular phase. Moreover, muscle and tendon injury rates were 88% higher in the late follicular phase than in the earlier phase.

The study by Shagawa explored joint laxity as a risk factor in female university students with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries who had regular menstrual cycles. This study highlighted the potential connection between joint laxity and menstrual cycle phases.

Finally, a 2022 study published in the Biology of Sex Differences linked the cyclic binding of relaxin, a hormone, to the supporting tissues of the trapeziometacarpal (TMC) joint in females. This study found a correlation between relaxin peaks in the menstrual cycle of healthy young women and asymptomatic TMC joint instability.

Such findings suggest a potential cause for the high severity and early onset of TMC osteoarthritis commonly observed in female patients at orthopedic hand clinics.

Hormonal Influence on Joint Pain

Estrogen and progesterone, crucial hormones in women's bodies, fluctuate during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause. These fluctuations have significant impacts on joint health. Estrogen is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, its role in joint lubrication, and its ability to maintain collagen. Progesterone, on the other hand, helps relax ligaments and influences collagen changes.

Research has shed light on the relationship between these hormonal fluctuations and joint health. A 2019 study found that women, compared to men, have a lower risk of suffering an Achilles tendon rupture until they reach menopause, after which the risk becomes similar in both sexes.

In contrast, a 2022 review indicated that after adjusting for factors such as body mass index, physical activity, age at menopause, age, smoking, and history of knee injury, estrogen use was not positively associated with radiographic knee osteoarthritis. This finding suggests that hormone replacement therapy might be linked to an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis.

A 2005 study explored the impact of progesterone fluctuations and cyclic estradiol on joint laxity during the menstrual cycle. It concluded that these hormonal fluctuations do not cause cyclic changes in joint laxity. However, the study noted that women generally have greater knee and ankle joint laxity than men.

Further research by the Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research highlights that hormonal fluctuations in women affect their bodies throughout their lives, including their bones and ligaments. An increase in local estrogen can reduce the strength and structure of connective tissues and diminish collagen synthesis, potentially making women more prone to cruciate ligament injuries.

A 2020 study from the Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience delved into estrogen's effects on nociception (the sensory perception of pain), revealing that these effects greatly depend on the dosage of estrogen and the hormonal fluctuations. Interestingly, higher doses of estrogen were found to increase pain during pharmacological treatments.

Additionally, there is a notable connection between estrogen and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), with some post-menopausal women experiencing a return of TMD symptoms when undergoing estrogen replacement therapy.

Lifestyle factors, nutrition, and pre-existing conditions can also exacerbate joint pain during the menstrual cycle. Consuming large amounts of processed foods, refined sugars, and excessive caffeine can lead to increased inflammation and stress levels, thereby elevating cortisol production, a stress hormone.

Furthermore, poor sleep habits and conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis during the menstrual cycle can aggravate joint inflammation and pain.

Management and Relief of Joint Pain During Period

A 2020 study highlighted the importance of maintaining a healthy mentality, emphasizing the use of psychocognitive strategies over traditional Western Medicine for improving quality of life. This approach was specifically recommended for Chinese immigrant women, who also showed an inclination towards integrating traditional medicine into their overall health regimen.

These women, going through menopause, reported experiencing symptoms such as muscle and joint pain, weight gain, skin changes, and vision alterations.

In a separate investigation, the British Journal of Sports Medicine published a study focusing on female athletes and the risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. It was found that these athletes were more at risk of ACL injuries during the preovulatory phase of their menstrual cycle than in the postovulatory phase.

To mitigate this risk, the researchers suggested well-designed injury prevention programs. These programs emphasized proper landing and cutting techniques, such as landing softly on the forefoot and then rolling back to the rearfoot, engaging hip and knee flexion, and, where possible, landing on two feet.

The study further recommends that general readers consider engaging in low-impact exercises or physical therapy. These activities are beneficial for strengthening muscles and enhancing joint mobility. Additionally, a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, ginger, and foods packed with antioxidants is advised.

Such a diet can be instrumental in alleviating joint pain and reducing inflammation. These dietary and exercise recommendations offer a holistic approach to managing joint health and overall well-being, particularly for those experiencing menopausal symptoms or at risk of joint-related injuries.

Medicinal Relief

Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and naproxen, which are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), are effective in reducing joint pain and discomfort during menstruation. Other medicines, including acetaminophen and aspirin, along with dietary supplements like turmeric or fish oil, can also be beneficial for mild joint pain.

According to a publication from the National Library of Medicine, NSAIDs such as naproxen, diclofenac, and ibuprofen are known to alleviate severe period pain, although it's important to be aware of potential side effects like stomach problems.

In cases of severe conditions like premenstrual syndrome associated with joint pain, prescription medications should be considered. A 2016 study found that two-thirds of its subjects experienced symptoms related to menstruation due to dysmenorrhea, including joint and body pains, lethargy, loss of appetite, painful nipples, and vomiting.

To manage primary dysmenorrhea, the study highlighted treatments like acupuncture, exercise, spinal manipulation, and heat application for pain relief.

A study published in 2022 in Obstetrics and Gynaecology revealed that women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or irregular menstrual periods often report symptoms including joint pain, joint swelling, and heel pain, which could be indicative of autoimmune diseases. The medications for these conditions include analgesics, antibiotics, and systemic hormonal preparations, such as sex hormones and insulin.

A review from 2012 discussed the somatic symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, such as joint pain, headache, insomnia, irritability, and pelvic pain or discomfort. This review advised patients with premenstrual syndrome to consider nonpharmacologic therapy.

In severe cases, where other therapies have not provided relief and there are underlying gynecologic issues, surgery might be considered. Additionally, alternative therapies like chiropractic care, massage, and reflexology should also be taken into account.

Natural Remedies

Well-known natural remedies to relieve joint pain include curcumin, ginger, and omega-3 fatty acids. These supplements relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and maintain healthy joint cartilage. A 2016 study showed that curcumin as a dietary adjunct to conventional therapy provides a compelling justification for treating arthritis.

The use of a warm ginger compress in a 2021 study can be a choice to lessen joint pain with minimal side effects. Lastly, omega-3 fatty acids are crucial to treating joint pain as a potential symptom during the menstrual period in a 2012 study wherein it reduced the intensity of primary dysmenorrhea.

Physical Therapy and Exercises

Physical therapy and exercises play a vital role in enhancing strength and flexibility, reducing pain, and improving joint health. These practices are crucial not only for immediate relief but also for preventing recurrence. Physical therapists ensure that exercises are performed consistently and effectively, tailoring customized exercise plans to track progress based on individual needs.

A 2009 study conducted by UK-based physical therapists explored the effectiveness of exercise in managing knee osteoarthritis. The study involved 538 respondents who had treated patients with this condition in the past six months. It was found that 56% of the respondents considered local exercise to be effective for knee problems. This research underlined the importance of patient responsibility in incorporating local exercise into their routines to alleviate pain.

Additionally, a study published in the Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association focused on manual therapy for individuals aged 47 to 70 years with knee osteoarthritis. The participants underwent three treatments over two consecutive weeks, which resulted in enhanced knee mobility and a reduction in knee symptoms.

Lastly, a 2020 study highlighted the benefits of resistance training for individuals with knee osteoarthritis. This study demonstrated that 24 total sessions of resistance training, spanning an 8-12 week duration, were associated with significant improvements in physical function and pain reduction. The effectiveness of these sessions was noted to have large effect sizes, indicating their substantial impact on managing knee osteoarthritis.


1. What causes joint pain during menstrual periods?

Joint pain during menstrual periods is usually caused by hormonal fluctuations that lead to inflammation, fluid retention, resulting in premenstrual syndrome in some cases and autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Even lifestyle factors relating to diet and stress levels can worsen joint pain.

2. How common is joint pain during the menstrual cycle?

Joint pain and other symptoms, such as cramps and bloating, can be common during the menstrual cycle. You'll likely experience joint pain during the menstrual cycle if you have existing arthritis-related conditions. Dr. Sammartino from the Hospital for Special Surgery said, "It seems likely that hormones may impact disease activity directly, such as by promoting or alleviating inflammation."

3. How can joint pain during menstrual periods be treated or managed?

Over-the-counter drugs, natural remedies, physical therapy, and exercises effectively treat or manage joint pain during menstrual periods.

4. Are there any natural remedies for joint pain during the menstrual period?

Natural remedies, including curcumin, ginger, and omega-3 fatty acids, can relieve joint pain and inflammation.

5. How does nutrition impact joint pain during menstrual periods?

A diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods or omega-3 fatty acids is beneficial to remedy joint pain while undergoing menstrual periods. Make sure to ask for guidance from a healthcare provider on the right nutrients you need before making any dietary changes.

6. Can exercise help in reducing joint pain during menstrual periods?

Yes, exercises are crucial to promote joint mobility and flexibility while alleviating pain even if you're in your period. But make sure to choose simple activities that can be done in the confines of your home.

7. What types of medications are available for managing joint pain during menstrual periods?

Medications include over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, acetaminophen, and dietary supplements such as ginger, curcumin, and omega-3 fatty acids are accessible to manage ongoing symptoms.


Joint pain is a common symptom women may encounter during their menstrual period, often resulting from hormonal fluctuations and pre-existing joint-related conditions. This pain and inflammation can be exacerbated by various lifestyle factors, including the consumption of unhealthy foods, excessive caffeine intake, and high levels of stress.

Effective management and relief of joint pain during menstruation can be achieved through a combination of methods. Over-the-counter drugs and natural remedies are widely used for immediate relief. Alongside these, maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in physical therapy and exercises are fundamental to prevent the exacerbation of symptoms and avoid severe conditions.

For those seeking to manage joint pain specifically during menstrual periods, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional. A healthcare provider can offer personalized advice and create a customized plan tailored to your specific condition. They can guide you in assessing your condition comprehensively and provide crucial knowledge before you start any medication or treatment plan. This personalized approach ensures that management strategies are both effective and appropriate for your unique health needs.

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